Цель данной статьи перечислить некоторые отсутствующие в настоящее время возможности в FreeCAD и предоставить обходные пути для их решения. Это может быть полезно для начинающих пользователей, которые не могут найти требующиеся инструменты, среди тех что существуют в FreeCAD.
№ | Недостающая возможность | Предлагаемое решение |
1 | Auto snap to objects (geometric centers, quadrants, extensions, intersections) |
2 | Check geometric and mass properties of the sketch (area, center of mass, second moments of area and so on) |
3 | Possibility to use the results of the External Geometry tool directly for operations on the sketch |
4 | Project multiple edges at once with the External Geometry tool when a face is selected |
5 | 3D sketches |
6 | Projection of cut edges when making a sketch on a plane cutting through an object | |
7 | View section tool showing filled cuts |
8 | Diameter dimension with respect to a symmetry axis for revolved parts |
9 | Dimension labels adapting to the rotation of the view to be always readable |
10 | First dimension in the sketch scaling the geometry so that its initially drawn shape is not broken |
11 | An option to hide the whole construction geometry in an active sketch |
№ | Недостающая возможность | Предлагаемое решение |
1 | Check the geometric and mass properties of the model |
2 | Отображение центра масс модели (детали или сборочных единиц) | |
3 | Clipping plane that doesn't make the model look like it's hollow |
4 | Creation of an axis on the intersection of 2 planes and a plane midway between two faces/points, possibly more variants for datum creation |
5 | Automated midsurface extraction (for thin-walled parts) |
6 | Project (map/wrap) sketches on non-planar (e.g. cylindrical) faces |
7 | Select which part of the sketch to pad |
8 | Fillets and chamfers that can consume adjacent faces/edges |
9 | Variable radius for the PartDesign Fillet tool |
10 | Parametric curves | |
11 | Cosmetic threads | |
12 | Partitions (splitting surfaces and volumes with sketches and datum planes while keeping the number of parts unchanged) |
13 | Guide rails for Additive Pipe and Additive Loft or their equivalents in the Part Workbench |
14 | Twist for PartDesign AdditivePipe or Part Sweep |
15 | Bending existing parts |
16 | Pattern along a curve |
17 | Cut scope - cut tools affecting only selected part of the model |
18 | Merging adjacent faces |
19 | Hole tool using points from sketches |
20 | Datum points from coordinates |
21 | A tool for automatic creation of ribs (structural reinforcements) |
22 | A tool for automatic creation of domes |
23 | Extending faces up to other faces (useful e.g. when extracting midsurfaces, as mentioned above) |
24 | Fuzzy versions of Part Boolean operations (possibility to specify a tolerance for boolean union and other operations) |
25 | PartDesign AdditiveLoft and PartDesign AdditivePipe with a possibility to use an open profile as the first or last section |
26 | A tool to sweep a circular profile of a given diameter along a selected path |
27 | Optional local coordinate system display for datum planes |
No. | Missing feature | Workarounds |
1 | Snap to apparent intersections of curved edges, perpendicular extensions, arc extensions, geometric centers and tangent points |
2 | Keyboard shortcuts for Draft Snap tools |
3 | Automatically change the colors of objects back to 'normal' when removing them from the construction geometry group |
4 | An option to quickly switch between the three main working planes and their projections at the selected point (for 3D drafting) |
5 | AutoCAD-like command line input |
6 | Hatch a region enclosed by wires |
№ | Недостающая возможность | Предлагаемое решение |
1 | Broken out and rotated/removed section views |
2 | Auto diameter dimension on side views |
3 | Manually add geometry to generated views |
4 | Shaded views in drawings |
5 | Ordinate dimensions |
6 | Exclude ribs from hatching |
7 | Export of TechDraw pages as PDF without making the text from the template (path text) unmarkable/unsearchable. |
|- | 9 | Modify regular and section views using sketching tools |
|- | 10 | Auxiliary views |
№ | Недостающая возможность | Предлагаемое решение |
1 | Beams with arbitrary cross-section |
2 | Distributed load on beams | |
3 | Support for multiple meshes and thus possibility to define contact between touching (not separated) faces |
4 | Advanced material models (hyperelasticity, creep and so on) |
5 | Composite shells |
6 | Simple creation of node and element sets as well as surfaces |
7 | CalculiX keyword editor that can fold data lines and allow changes not only right before running the analysis |
8 | Meshing with hexahedral elements |
9 | Multistep analyses (e.g. preload for frequency/buckling analysis) |
10 | Box selection of geometric entities for constraints |
№ | Недостающая возможность | Предлагаемое решение
2 | Улучшенный внешний вид/рендеринг 3D-моделей | |
2 | Status bar instructions (“Now pick this …”) for many tools that would benefit from them (e.g. Sketcher constraints), more informative tooltips | |
3 | Consistent selection order - some tools require the user to pick the geometric entity first while others allow selection after enabling the tool |
4 | More GUI customization options - pie menus, different icon styles and themes and so on |
5 | Advanced selection tools: selection by angle, inverting selection, selecting inside faces and so on |
6 | Assembly workbench with an option to constrain parts to the origin and to datums |
7 | Transform tool with an option to move and rotate with respect to edges and global coordinates |
9 | Больше возможностей для текстурирования |
9 | Highlight only the individual PartDesign feature in the 3D view when the corresponding operation is selected in the Tree view |
10 | Select only the individual PartDesign feature in the Tree view when a corresponding element is selected in the 3D view. |
11 | Freeform modeling |
12 | Assembly component generators and calculators for: bolted and riveted connections, shafts, splines, keys, cams, gears (spur, bevel, worm), bearings, springs, belts and chains, pins, o-rings |
13 | A tool for kinematic analysis on properly constrained sketches | |
14 | GD&T directly on 3D models - MBD approach |